2013-02-02 All the Feelings
First, since you're curious, we're still bassist hunting. If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you can know the instant we announce one. You know, in case you don't like waiting...
Of course, that means that we're still just getting songs ready for when we find our guy and trying to make sure we don't forget old songs. Not loads of band news...
Because most of our band-related firsts are in the winter, there were some moments I paused to reflect on our path this last month. That brings a mix of feelings, as you might guess. The other feeling mix comes from the fact that January is the month I mark the anniversary of my birth (aka birthday) and the anniversary of my mum's death. If you keep an eye on us online, you saw the following pictures. The first is the night we celebrated my birthday this year (bandmates pictured; the multiple tables of other rockstar friends who came out to celebrate not pictured, but part of the happy). And the second is the day mum and I first "met" each other. (And, now that I'm starting to feel all the feelings again, time to shut my mouth, non?)

Thanks for being part of the good feelings. Keep an eye on us, and send us an email if there's anything you want us to post for you, lovelies.
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